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租金收入-税税问与答 Part 2

租金收入-税税问与答 Part 2
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租金收入-税税问与答 Part 2

纳税人常问关于租金收入的tax问题 :


2.为什么这么高 24%?




Assets 资产

  • Business Income 4(a)


    Capital allowances can be claimed on capital expenditure incurred on plant and machinery.

  • Investment Income 4(d)


    Capital allowance cannot be claimed, but cost of replacing furnishings such as furniture and air conditioner can be claimed as a deduction from gross income from that letting.

税收待遇 Tax Treatment

  • Business Income 4(a)

    在最初的RM600,000 是17%的税率, 剩下的是24%的税率

    First RM600,000 17% Remaining 24%,

  • Investment Income 4(d)


    Under paragraph 8.2 of PR10/2015, the permitted expenses are allowed by the investment holding company such as wages, salaries and allowances, management fees and etc

    参考所得税实践笔记3/2020, 控股公司税率为24%,由2020课税年度起生效

    Refer to Practice Note 3/2020, tax rate for investment holding company is 24% effective from year of assessment

    根据PR 12/2018第11段, 建筑的拥有人可以获得工业建筑津贴,即使租赁是非商业来源,但建筑用于工业建筑

    Under paragraph 11 of PR 12/2018, the owner of the building allowed to claim industrial building allowance even though the letting is a non-business source but the building use for industrial building

营业外收入4(a)变为营业收入4(d) Section 4(a) change to Section 4(d)


Not entitled to claim capital allowance on the plant and machinery for the real property since they are not used for business purpose at the end of the basic period.

营业外收入4(d)变为营业收入4(a) Section 4(d) change to Section 4(a)


Entitled to claim capital allowance on the plant and machinery for the real property since they are used for business purpose at the end of the basic period.

The qualifying expenses is the market value on the first day used in the business.

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+607-361 3443


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