公司给顾客或供应商红包 可不可以扣税?

Supporting information
Public Ruling 4/2015 Entertainment Expense
7.7 The provision of entertainment related wholly to sales arising from the business - proviso (vii) to paragraph 39(1)(l) of the ITA.
Expenditure incurred on entertainment which is related wholly to sales arising from the business.
c) cash vouchers, discount vouchers, shopping vouchers, meal vouchers, concert or movie tickets;
10.6 Cash contribution for customer’s annual dinner
10.6 赞助顾客年度晚宴的现金
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根据1967年《所得税法令》的第13(1)(a) 条规,员工在工作中所获得的收益或利润的总收入(包括正在进行或有业务的员工所产生的任何工资,薪金,薪酬,休假工资,费用,佣金,奖金,酬金或津贴(无论是金钱还是其他形式))都视为就业收入的一种。
根据1967年《所得税法令》的第33(1) 条规,支出或费用的税务减免皆是需为了产生收入。
Supporting information
Public Ruling 5/2019 Perquisites from Employment
Paragraph 3.9 Definition of perquisites
“Perquisites”, in relation to an employment, means benefits in cash or in kind that are convertible into money received by an employee from the employer or third parties in respect of having or exercising the employment.
Paragraph 8.3 Employer’s Responsibilities
In accordance with subsection 83(1) of the ITA 1967, the employer is required to report in the employee's statement of remuneration (Form EA and EC) and Form E for the employer, all payments in respect of services provided by the employee including all types of perquisites. This includes the benefits provided for the spouse, family, servants, dependent or guest of the employee. The failure by the employer to comply with this subsection will render the employer liable to prosecution under subsection 120(1) of the ITA.
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Update on Tax Exempted Perquisites from Employment

Federal Government has gazetted the PU(A)30 Income Tax (Exemption) Order 2021 on 26.01.2021
But what is this???
PU(A)30 Income Tax (Exemption) Order 2021
Employee can enjoy the tax exemption in YA2020 up to RM5,000 from receiving the value of benefits on acquiring smartphone, tablets and personal computer!!
What other tax exemption on perquisite for YA2020?
Innovation or productivity award - RM2,000 exemption
Subsidies on interest : Housing, education or car loan - RM300,000
Gifts and monthly bills for fixed line telephone, mobile phone, pager, personal digital assistant (PDA) and subscription of broadband - Limited to only 1 unit for each category of assets
Travelling allowance, Petrol allowance or Toll rate - RM6,000 exemption
Parking rate or parking allowance - Reasonable
Meal allowance : Daily or monthly basis
Child care allowance : - RM2,400 - Age of 12 years
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How to save tax on employee's salary? Part II

How to save tax on employee remuneration? Part 2
A simple practical illustration on tax exempted perquisites :
For years… Ah Huat (not director) receive RM10,000 bonus and subject to PCB RMx per month?
After tax planning..
Now Ah Huat receive RM8,000 monthly salary and RM2,000 cash reward on productivity award . Ah Huat monthly PCB is lower that RMx previously.
Example of tax exempted perquisites :
Innovation or productivity award - RM2,000 exemption
Subsidies on interest : Housing, education or car loan - RM300,000
Gifts and monthly bills for fixed line telephone, mobile phone, pager, personal digital assistant (PDA) and subscription of broadband - Limited to only 1 unit for each category of assets
Gift of a new personal computer - PU (A) 30 Income Tax (Exemption) Order 2021
For YA2020 only -
Travelling allowance, Petrol allowance or Toll rate - RM6,000 exemption
Parking rate or parking allowance - Reasonable
Meal allowance : Daily or monthly basis
Child care allowance : - RM2,400 - Age of 12 years
Source : IRB Public Ruling - Perquisites from Employment
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员工薪酬 - 税务节省大秘密

员工薪酬 - 税务节省大秘密
如何进行员工薪酬 - 税务节省?
多年以来……阿发(不是董事)会获得10,000令吉的奖金(bonus),而且还需要PCB RMx吗?
创新或生产力奖 - RM2,000豁免
利息补贴住房,教育或汽车贷款 - RM300,000
固定电话, 手机,寻呼机 ,个人数字助理(PDA) 和宽频订购和月费 - 每个资产类别仅限于1个单位
赠送新个人电脑 - PU (A) 30 Income Tax (Exemption) Order 2021 For YA2020 only
交通津贴,汽油津贴或过路费 - RM6,000豁免
停车费或停车补贴 -限制停车费 -合理
育儿津贴:RM2,400 & 12岁
How to save tax on employee's salary?

Tax Planning (via Tax Exempted Benefits) on Employee Remuneration
A simple technique on tax planning for taxpayer is to use tax exempted (free) benefits available under the sky.
A simple example to illustrate :
For years… Ah Huat (not director) receive RM10,000 monthly salary and subject to PCB RMx per month?
After tax planning..
Now Ah Hua receive RM8,000 monthly salary and RM2,000 child care benefit. Ah Hua monthly PCB is lower that RMx previously.
What is tax exempted benefits available?
1. Dental benefit
2. Child-care benefit
3. Food and drink provided free of charge
4. Free transportation between pick-up points or home and the place of work (to and from)
5. Insurance premium which are obligatory for foreign workers as a replacement to SOCSO contributions
6. Group insurance premium to cover workers in the event of an accident
7. Leave passage
- Leave passage in MY of not more than 3 times in one calendar year, or
- Oversea leave passage of not more than once in any calendar year limited to a maximum amount of RM3,000
8. Value of discount on goods will be exempted up to maximum RM1,000 and the goods can be provided fully or partially discounted by applying the sale price
9. Discounted price for consumable business products of the employer and discounted price for services provided by the employer
- Discount price for consumable business product of the employer (RM1000 max)
- Discount price for services provided by the employer
10. Modern medicine, traditional medicine and maternity
Disclaimer :
We make no representations or warranty (expressed or implied) about the accuracy, suitability, reliability or completeness of the information for any purpose.
We disclaim all responsibility, for the consequences of anyone acting, or refraining to act, in reliance on the information contained in this publication or for any decision based on it.
Recipients should not act upon it without seeking specific professional advice tailored to your circumstances, requirements or needs.
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Construction Accounting Q&A Part 4 - Tax Treatment

Confused over contract accounting Q&A Part 4
Today we cover Q&A #4 on tax treatment as per IRB Public Ruling 4/2009 Construction Accounting.
These is normal part of our training note to our clients and new colleagues on contract accounting.
1 Determine date of commencement
* Date of letter of award
* Date of actively carry construction work
2 Recognition of income
* Contract more than 1 year
* Contract completed in different accounting period
3 Separate source of income - Different contract different source.
4 Estimate loss on uncompleted contract - Allow to set off against estimated gross profit
5 Completion of contract
* Obtain certificate of practical completion
* Tax treatment of actual gross profit/loss
6 Others
* Unliquidated damage
* Warranty/defect liability expenses
* Guarantee fee
Permai Assistance Package - Key summary

Permai Assistance Package
On 18 January 2021, the Prime Minister unveiled the Perlindungan Ekonomi & Rakyat Malaysia (PERMAI) Assistance Package, valued at RM15 billion.
The objectives of the Package are to:
1. Combat the COVID-19 outbreak
2. Safeguard the welfare of the people, and
3. Support business continuity
The key tax measures of Permai Assistance Package are highlighted below.
1. Further extension of special deduction on rental discount given to tenants ( Again where is the gazette order on rental discount in 2020? )
2. & etc.
Download Key Summary of Permai Assistance Package :
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IRB tax audit on employers on CP21, CP22 & CP22A which most of employers fail to comply

IRB is coming to audit employer on
•Tax clearance for resignee
•Notification on new employees
Click here for the real IRB tax audit letter
Basically these are the documents required in a typical tax audit on employer on CP21, CP22 & CP22A :
•Staff listing
•Form E – Return of C.P.8D
•Form 22
•Form 21
•Form 22A
•Payroll System Data
•Latest of Form 9, 24,49 and 13
•Borang D(Kaedah 13)and Borang A(Maklumat Perniagaan)
•Form EA/EC
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只要你点进来, 你能看到Form E 的秘密

是时候呈报Form E了,让我们为您复习一遍!
各位雇主与员工请注意!!!又到了呈报E表格的季节啦~ 你们准备好了吗?
是不是已经忘了Form E和EA Form是什么?不要害怕!我们在这里为你简单的说明~
1. 什么是E 表格(Form E)?
- E 表格是公司向税收局汇报最新雇员状况和薪金支出等细节的一份报表。
- 此表格必须附上CP8D表格(员工资料与薪金的概括)一同呈交给税收局。
- 呈交的截至日期为每年的31/03。
2. 什么是EA 表格(EA Form)?
- EA 表格又称为就业薪金结单或是 CP8A 表格。 公司每年必须为员工准备的薪金结单,须列出员工的资料与在过去一年里的收入,津贴,佣金,免税收入或福利,每月预扣税金(PCB),公积金等金额。
- 此表格不用呈交给税收局。
- 发给员工的截至日期为每年2月的最后一天。
3. Form EA 需准备的资料:
- 每位员工的个人资料,其中包括姓名,身份证号码,职位,就职与离职日期,婚姻状况,孩子状况,公积金注册号码,所得税注册号码等。
- 每位员工一月至十二月的薪水列表,其中包括员工的收入,津贴,福利,佣金,公积金(EPF),社会保险(SOCSO),就业保险(EIS),每月预扣税(PCB)。
- 注意:所有呈现在E表格与EA表格的资料必须和工资,账目报告一致。
- 欲知更多详情或获取表格可游览税收局的网站: Form E 2020
4. 其他雇主必须知道的Form E 2020 事项:
4.1 谁需要呈报E 表格?
- 有限公司:不管是否有员工都必须呈交E 表格。
- 合伙公司或个人经营公司:如果有员工,必须注册E号码并呈交E表格。
4.2 雇主需要准备EA表格给外劳吗?需要把外劳的资料填写在CP8D吗?
- 需要,公司必须将EA表格发给他员工并且填写在CP8D。
4.3 雇主需要准备EA表格给有限公司的董事吗?
- 需要,因为有限公司的董事也视为员工。
4.4 雇主需要准备EA表格给个人经营公司及合伙公司的老板吗?
- 不需要,个人或合伙公司的老板与公司视为一体,只需要在公司报税年度一起呈交。
4.5 如何呈报E表格?
- 有限公司:必须在税局的官网线上呈交。
- 非有限公司:基本上呈交的途径有两种,第一种是填写E表格然后寄邮致关税局。
- 大家可以通过关税局呈交网页来呈交E表格。
4.6 什么是实物利益(Benefit in Kind)和 额外津贴(Perquisite)?公司提供给员工的这两项福利都需要呈报吗?
- 额外津贴是任何公司给员工的物品或现金,这些可以被员工转换成钱财的都属于额外津贴。
- 两者都需要呈报。
- 欲知更多可以参考我们的PCB: 员工预扣税(PCB)的教学指南。
4.7 董事费与花红需要呈报吗?什么时候必须呈报?
- 基本上所有的收入必须在收到的那一年呈报。
- 例如:公司在01/02/2020 派发31/12/2019所应计(accrued)的花红给员工。那么公司须在2021年呈报2020年的E表格时包括此花红。
- 然而董事费也是如此,不过需要注意的是不管是董事或董事的亲属,即使没收到花红或董事费,这笔金额必须最迟在公司应计项目(accrual)的下一年呈报。
- 例:31/12/2019公司有一笔董事费的应计项目,董事在15/03/2021才派发这笔董事费,那么公司最迟必须在呈报2020年的E表格包括这笔董事费,原因是董事是主要股东并且有权力掌控公司。
- 欲知更多可以参考我们的Why I have to pay tax even though not yet receive my money?
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IRB 通过电子邮件追钱

邮件内容 (请参阅下面的示例) 提及的税务拖欠数额是根据税务局系统的记录。
1. 正式申请信
2. 三个月公司的银行帐单
3. 六个月的预估现金流量表
1. 所得税的网站
2. 代理的网上银行
3. 代理的银行柜台
若你还有任何对于该邮件上的疑问,可致电到税务局的相关部门(HRCC)03-8751 1000进行更近一步的了解。
Makluman Automatik LHDNM : Tunggakan Cukai
Nama : ABC SDN. BHD.
No Rujukan : 123456P
Nombor Cukai Pendapatan : C123456789
Selamat Sejahtera,
Ini merupakan emel makluman janaan automatik daripada Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia (LHDNM).
2. Berdasarkan kepada rekod Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia (LHDNM) pada 20/01/2021, syarikat tuan mempunyai amaun cukai tertunggak berjumlah RM 12345.67. Amaun ini belum mengambilkira apa-apa bayaran, kenaikan atau taksiran yang belum dibangkitkan selepas tarikh di atas, jika ada.
3. Pihak tuan diminta untuk membuat aturan pembayaran bagi menjelaskan tunggakan cukai berkenaan. LHDNM bersedia untuk menerima cadangan bayaran yang munasabah bagi meringankan bebanan kewangan tuan. Pihak tuan juga boleh menggunakan kemudahan aplikasi e-Lejar di laman web LHDNM bagi semakan pada transaksi lejar dan kedudukan terkini baki cukai pendapatan.
4. Sekiranya LHDNM tidak menerima apa-apa maklum balas atau bayaran daripada pihak tuan pada atau sebelum 03/02/2021, tindakan mahkamah boleh diambil ke atas pihak tuan. Jika terpakai, tindakan mahkamah dan sekatan perjalanan ke luar negara di bawah Seksyen 104 Akta Cukai Pendapatan 1967 boleh juga diambil ke atas tuan sebagai Pengarah Syarikat di bawah Seksyen 75A Akta Cukai Pendapatan 1967.
Seksyen 75A Akta Cukai Pendapatan 1967 menyatakan –
''Director’s liability
75A. (1) Notwithstanding anything contrary to this Act or any other written law –
(a) where any tax is due and payable under this Act by a company, any person who is a director of that company during the period in which that tax is liable to be paid by that company; or
(b) ....(tidak berkenaan)
shall be jointly and severally liable for such tax..., that is due and payable and shall be recoverable under section 106 from that person. '' ]
5. Bayaran boleh dibuat secara dalam talian atau di kaunter menerusi bank dan Pejabat Pos yang dilantik sebagai ejen kutipan LHDNM, atau kemudahan bayaran secara elektronik ByrHASiL dengan bank-bank terpilih yang disediakan di laman web LHDNM dengan menyatakan Tahun Taksiran 2019 serta kod bayaran 086.
6. Sebarang pertanyaan tuan/puan boleh merujuk ke LHDNM Cawangan JOHOR BAHRU (PERNIAGAAN) atau hubungi HASiL Recovery Call Centre (HRCC) di talian 03-8751 1000 untuk penjelasan lanjut.
Sila abaikan emel ini sekiranya pihak tuan telah membuat bayaran penuh atau sedang mematuhi bayaran ansuran bagi hutang cukai berkenaan.
Terima kasih.
Jabatan Pungutan Hasil
Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia
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Form E 2020

IRB不再打印+发E表格(Form E) 给雇主
从2018年度起,其他雇主(除公司以外) 如欲提交E表格的hardcopy,必须从IRB的官方网站下载并打印PDF格式的E表格
Form E + Form EA 指导说明
罚款 Form E
**无法满足非公司雇主下手动申报的表单规 范要求
罚款 $$$$
* RM200至RM20,000
* 入狱少于6个月
* 或两者
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When can i submit Form E 2020?

Due Date - Give Employee a Copy of Form EA
28 February 2021
Due Date - Submit Form E to IRB
31 March 2021
E Filing of Form E 2020
Companies: Compulsory
Others type of companies : Encourage to use E filing but not compulsory
Start : 1 March 2021
E-Data Praisi
Employer, who is under E-Data Praisi, is exempted for Form EA (ie CP8A)
Exemption on Form EA 2020
Sole Proprietorship, partnership who don’t have any employee
Source : No 13 of E 2020 explanatory note
Question on Form EA
Form EA is applicable to ALL employee?
* Answer in the comment section! We will come back in due course.
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Have you CP58?

What is the CP58?
It is a statement of monetary & non-monetary incentive payment to an agent, dealer or distributor pursuant to Section 83A of the Income Tax Act 1967.
CP58 has 2 categories:
1. Monetary payment: Payment in cash. For examples, commission and bonus.
2. Non monetary payment: Included car, house, travel ticket, accommodation, ground tour, food & drinks.
Who are required to prepare CP58?
All companies need to prepare and render to its agents, dealers and distributors if the amount of monetary and non monetary incentive exceeds RM5,000.00 during the calendar year.
When to submit CP58?
Furnish to agent, dealer and distributor before 31st March on the following year;
Furnish to LHDN - Only need to submit upon request by IRB.
What if you fail to furnish CP 58 to LHDN during the notice in writing?
Failure to furnish is an offence under subsection 120(1) of the Income Tax Act 1967.
Payer company liable fine of not less than RM200.00 and not more than RM20,000.00 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or both.
However, if LHDN request for listing of CP58 information, a taxpayer company is required to submit all information including amounts below RM5,000.00
IRB Official Guideline on CP58
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Tax incentive for food production

[Latest update] (which is super long overdue ?!🤣😅)of tax incentive for food production
Timeline of the incentive for food production
1. YAB Dato' Sri Mohd Najib Tun Haji Abdul Razak, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance tabled The Budget 2016 on the 23rd October 2015.
2. INCOME TAX (EXEMPTION) (NO. 6) ORDER 2020 P.U. (A) 373/2020 was gazetted on 24th December 2020.
Things to do (if you are in the food production industry)
1. Discuss with your tax agent
2. Apply the tax incentive with MOA.
3. Resubmit the tax return once MOA approve the application of tax incentive.
4. Wait for tax audit.
5. ....
Overview of the tax incentive for the food production
Income Tax (Exemption) (No. 6) Order 2020
Effective Date : 1 Jan 2016
Salient Points :
(A)100% exemption on statutory income on new food production project for 10 consecutive YAs.
Application is to be made to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industries (MOA) between 1 January 2016 until 31 December 2020.
The project must not have commenced on the date of making the application.
(B) Expansion project that is approved by the Minister in relation to the new food production project in (a) above, for 5 consecutive YAs.
The scope of new food production include planting of industrial crop and cash crop, rearing of deer, rearing of honey and urena lobata bees, and planting of feed mill & etc.
Income Tax (Deduction of Investment in New Food Production Project or Expansion Project) Rules 2020
Effective Date : 1 Jan 2016
Salient Points :
(A)Provides tax deduction equivalent to the value of investment (in cash or ordinary share capital) made in a related company that undertakes a new food production or expansion project approved under the Income Tax (Exemption) (No. 6) Order 2020 (“qualifying project”)
(B) Application is to be made to the MOA between 1 January 2016 until 31 December 2020.
(C) The deduction for a YA shall be equivalent to the expenditure incurred by the related company for the qualifying project in the basis period for the same YA, and for a period approved by the Minister.
(D) The deduction shall cease in the YA the related company commences its tax exemption period upon having its first statutory income from the qualifying project.
(E) For investments in ordinary shares, the deduction claimed will be clawed back if the investment is disposed of within 5 years from the date of investment. The disposal consideration shall be added to the adjusted income of the company in the YA it is received but shall not exceed the total deduction claimed in relation to the investment
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Budget 2021 Malaysia - Key Summary of Company

The tax highlights of Budget 2021 include:
Preferential corporate income tax rate of 0% to 10% for 10 years for manufacturers of pharmaceutical products
Extension and expansion of existing tax incentives that have worked well. In particular, the preferential tax rates of 0% to 10% for selected manufacturers to relocate their operations to Malaysia will be extended to companies in selected services sectors and the application period will be extended to 31 December 2022.
& more...
Download KTP Ebook on Tax Budget 2021 Key Summary for Company
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How to record construction in progress journal entry?

Confused over construction accounting Q&A Part III
Today we cover Q&A #3 on recognition and measurement in the construction accounting following our first sharing on the business cycle in last week.
We will run a series of our training note to our clients and new colleagues on contract accounting. Stay tune
Next is the tax treatment on the construction account.
Step by step on construction accounting.
#1 Determine the % of completion
1.1 Progress bill method
= Actual work done to date/contract sum
… OR
1.2 Cost method
= Actual work done to date/budgeted cost
#2 Revenue Recognition = % of completion x contract sum
#3 Cost recognition = % of completion x budgeted cost
#4 Amount due / (to) from customer
#5 Disclosure on financial statement in construction accounting
5.1 Recognition method used
5.2 Amount due/(to) from customer
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Tax obligation for Employer for New & Resigned Employee 2021

IRB has changed new forms on with effect from 1/1/2021.
1. CP21 - Notification by Employer on Employee's departure from Malaysia
2. CP22 - Notification of New Employee
3. CP22A - Notification of Cessation of Employment
Penalty on non compliance on CP21, CP22 & CP22A
Delay in submitting the application for tax clearance may be subjected to penalty. The penalty will be in the form of fines between MYR 200 and MYR 20,000 and imprisonment for up to six months.
LHDN may take legal action against the employer who fails to pay the outstanding tax as per the Tax Clearance Letter.
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Tax Filing Deadline 2021

Click Here: Filing Due Dates for 2021 (YA2020)
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Budget 2021 Malaysia - Key Summary of Individual

The tax highlights of Budget 2021 include:
- Reduction in personal income tax rate by one percentage point for tax resident individuals for chargeable income in the band of RM50,001 to RM70,000
- Preferential 15% personal tax rate for non-Malaysian citizens holding key positions in companies that relocate their operations to Malaysia under the PENJANA incentive package
- & more