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新加坡人Slang 我们 beh tahan

新加坡人Slang 我们 beh tahan
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新加坡人Slang 我们 beh tahan

''你们联邦人....'' 是我们 auditor 平常最容易听到的 新加坡 slang.

我们收集了一些最常用的新加坡 slang + 如何使用它们.你中了多少条 新加坡 slang?

也许只有南马的做会计才看得懂, 听得懂!

''You federal people..'' Don't assume this is one of the lines from the Hunger Game movie.

Sadly it is not.

This is what we Malaysian must learn and understand the Singapore slang.

We've gathered some of the most commonly used Singlish words and phrases (collectively termed as slang), followed by how to use them...

  1. Wah lau! So expensive!

  2. You siao ah!

  3. Can you talk to your government?

  4. Chop!

  5. I kena super high tax.

  6. Don’t be so kiasu lah!

  7. You are sotong blur.

  8. Shiok ! If you give me more discount.

  9. So sian ! With this news.

  10. Your fee so atas.

  11. I pokkai if I pay this fee.

  12. Damn suay if I see you again next year.

  13. You think we are yaya papaya company.

  14. Jio me next time if gomen give goodies.

  15. Whatever you say is right lor.

  16. Your government damn guai lan.

  17. What time already?

  18. Pai she ! cannot come into Malaysia.

  19. Kao pei kao bu lah. Your staff always want this want that.

  20. Your chio bu staff not good.

  21. Eee-yer ! Your fee beh siang lar.

  22. Jialat lah if you don’t help me.

  23. Steady lah.

  24. Liddat win liao lor.

  25. Simi is this?

  26. Your office is so ulu.

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