100% tax deduction on your donation in Malaysia.

3 simple ways for 100% tax deduction on your donation in Malaysia.
Recently, many peoples are actively making donations and great contributions to society.
But, can we enjoy a tax deduction for this donation?
我要怎么知道捐款是否可以拿来扣税呢?我要上哪里看?可以到以下LHDN 官网输入机构名字查询。
May refer to the link below to check whether your donation is tax-deductible.
The official receipt must include the following information in order for tax deduction:
1 机构名字和地址 Name and address of institution
2 收据编号Printed serial number
3 日期 Date
4 捐款人姓名,IC/Passport ,公司注冊號 Donor’s name, IC/Passport, business registration number
5 捐款数额Amount of donation
6 收款人职位Collector’s designation
7 收据上注释Stated with following note: (See the attachment as above)
Do you know the donation to the organization are tax deductible when donate to approved organization under subsection 44 (6) of Income Tax Act 1967?
However, there is restriction on allowable deduction for different level:
个人所得税 Personal tax
From YA 2020, restriction on allowable deduction increased from 7% to 10% of aggregate income
公司所得税 Company tax
Restriction on allowable deduction 10% of aggregate income
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